Structure Fire
Incident #: 2013055648
Date of Incident: 11/29/2013
Issuing Officer: Battalion Chief
On November 29, 2013 at approximately 1:20 AM the Spokane City fire crews were dispatched to 208 East Empire on a reported structure fire. First crews arriving on scene reported smoke showing from the eaves of a one-story, wood framed- single family residence. Further investigation by the fire crews found a fire located in the basement and reported that all occupants were out of the structure. The fire attack crew aggressively attacked the fire from the interior of the home entering the basement from the south stairs while other fire crews assisted in search, ventilation, salvage and overhaul. The fire was declared out within 35 minutes after the first crew’s arrival. The fire did extend into the first floor and attic area around the brick chimney. There were no reported injuries to civilians or firefighters and the occupants of the home are under the care of our local chapter of the American Red Cross.
The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Spokane Fire Dept. Special Investigation Unit.
Fire damage was confined to the basement, main floor and a section of the attic around the chimney with smoke damage throughout the structure.
# Firefighters Responding: 27
Other Agencies Responding:
Spokane AMR unit was on scene through out the incident
End Of Release
For more information on this release please call (509) 625-7002