Monday, January 28, 2008

Help the SFD, Shovel A Fire Hydrant

The Spokane Fire Department would like to remind Spokane residents to check the fire hydrant near their home or business. The record snowfall this weekend, along with the associated plowing, can lead to fire hydrants becoming obstructed and covered from view.

At a fire, the Fire Department must quickly locate and access a water supply source from the closest fire hydrant. If a fire hydrant is buried by snow, it is difficult to locate, and valuable time must be spent digging it out. The time spent accessing a water supply may delay the fire attack and allow a fire to grow and prevent potential rescue.

Keep the snow clear around the fire hydrant and shovel a path from the street or roadway up to the fire hydrant. These actions will allow fire personnel to quickly locate a fire hydrant and obtain a water supply for firefighting activities.

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