Friday, January 25, 2008

SFD Media Release - Blog!

Issuing Officer: Brian Schaeffer
Date of Incident: 1/25/2008
Incident Address: 44 West Riverside,
Spokane, WA 99201

The Spokane Fire Department is expanding our online presence. In addition to a recently redesigned website, the department has a new “News and Public Information Blog.” The Blog’s (short for “Web Log”) objectives are to promote fire safety, provide timely information to the citizens of Spokane and open lines of communication with the citizens. The Blog, which can be found at or linked through, will allow the department to pass on immediate and timely information to the media and public. Chief Officers will be able to communicate directly with the citizens through this medium which is only used by a handful of Fire Departments in the United States. The blog encourages open communications with government officials and allows a flexible medium which can be accessed anywhere in the world.
In addition to the latest press release about incidents, users will also be able to find photos and video clips of recent incidents, latest consumer product safety recalls, fire safety videos and online photo gallery. The site also makes use of ‘RSS’ technology so users can receive timely emergency information. The Blog’s was created by SFD’s very own Dean Pearcy in Media Services and utilized an off-the-shelf web technology which had no direct cost to the City.

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