Monday, September 10, 2012

National Preparedness Month 2012

National Preparedness Month (NPM) was created after 9/11 to encourage Americans to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, schools, organizations, businesses, and communities. While September is the month for recognizing national preparedness, the goal is to engage the public to make preparedness a part of their daily lives.
This September marks the ninth annual NPM. This year’s theme is “Pledge to Prepare -Awareness to Action.” We’re asking the public -- individuals, business, and organizations -- to take specific action steps by doing at least one of the following:
1. Learn about emergency hazards and their appropriate responses
2. Make a communications plan
3. Build an emergency kit
4. Get involved in preparedness in their community.
The National Preparedness Pledge to Prepare
• The National Preparedness Pledge to Prepare is open to all public and private sector organizations. You can pledge by visiting and clicking on the “Pledge to Prepare” banner. There is no cost or obligation in doing so.

• During NPM, we encourage those that have taken the pledge to share preparedness information with their families, neighbors, customers, employees, and communities.

For more information, follow the Spokane Department of Emergency Management on twitter or visit

Our Local NPM 2012 Public Service Announcement link:

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