Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SFD Media Release - For more information on this release please call (509) 625-7002

Media Release

Multiple garages catch fire.

Incident #: 2013025097
Date of Incident: 06/11/2013
Issuing Officer: Battalion Chief Steve Sabo

At 9:50 AM, Tuesday, June 11th, the Spokane Fire Department responded to a reported detached garage fire at 312 S. Ray Street, on Spokane’s lower south hill. Enroute, crews reported a large smoke column visible. The first crews on scene reported a 20’ X 20’ wood framed, detached garage fully involved in fire, with three adjacent detached garages beginning to catch fire from radiant heat exposure. Additionally, an exposed, 60’ fir tree and a power pole were on fire, with the tree scattering hot embers on a weeded lot, starting the weeds and brush on fire. Electrical wires from the power pole burned through and dropped to the ground causing an additional hazard to the firefighters. Multiple fire crews extended hose leads to extinguish the numerous fires. In all, 5 engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 rescue truck and 2 battalion chiefs worked at this incident, and had the majority of fire extinguished within 10 minutes of arriving on scene. Crews remained on scene for an additional 1-2 hours overhauling the burned structures and completing extinguishment. There were no injuries reported to civilians or firefighters. Electrical power to the entire block was disrupted until Avista crews were able to gain access to the damaged power pole and complete repairs. This fire was near the eastbound Thor/Freya exit off I-90, which caused significant traffic congestion both on 3rd Avenue as well as eastbound I-90. SPD and WDOT assisted in rerouting and managing traffic until fire crews could clear 3rd Avenue.

 The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by an investigator with the Spokane Fire Department’s Special Investigation Unit.

 No vehicles were damaged in the fire, however, the main fire building and its contents were completely destroyed. The exposed garages sustained primarily exterior structural damage, with minor smoke/water damage to contents. Total dollar loss is estimated at $30,000.

# Firefighters Responding: 24

Dollar Loss: $ 30,000

Other Agencies Responding:
Spokane Police Department, WDOT, Avista

End Of Release
For more information on this release please call (509) 625-7002

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